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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Global Warming?

The premise of global warming being caused by CO2 is itself contradicted by the presence other greenhouse gases including water vapor which constitutes between 66% and 85% of all greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. To assign blame for warming to CO2 is just bad science.

The claims that CO2 is going to cause the ice to melt and sea levels to rise remind me of the story of the scientist and the frog.

The scientist experiments with the frog. He places the frog on a table. "Jump frog, jump," he says. The frog jumps. The scientist measures. He writes in his lab book: frog with 4 legs jumps 3 feet. He cuts the right front leg off of the frog, places it on the table, and says "Jump frog, jump." The frog jumps. The scientist measures. He writes in his lab book: frog with 3 legs jumps 2 feet. He cuts the left front leg off of the frog, places it on the table, and says "Jump frog, jump." The frog jumps. The scientist measures. He writes in his lab book: frog with 2 legs jumps 1 foot. He cuts the right rear leg off of the frog, places it on the table, and says "Jump frog, jump." The frog jumps. The scientist measures. He writes in his lab book: frog with 1 leg jumps 2 inches. He cuts the left rear leg off of the frog, places it on the table, and says "Jump frog, jump." "Jump frog, jump." He writes in his lab book: frog with no legs is deaf.

So tell me, is this the science of Global Warming or do I have it wrong?

9:06 am edt          Comments


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